More to Life
Are you tired of working so hard every day and yet always feeling:
Mentally & emotionally drained
Overwhelmed with stress
Unmotivated because you're working so hard but there's nothing to show for it.
But the worst part is living the SAME soul-sucking day on repeat. Every. Single. Day! Wondering: am I going to live like this for the rest of my life?
Then let me tell you that I hear you and I'm here for you.Hello, my name is Zuhra Ahmed and I am a joy coach. I'm also a part-time tutor, mum of two and a carer to a 17yr old daughter with complex health needs.Long story short: I've been stuck in cycles of burnout and recovery for the past 17 years until I finally broke 3 years ago. The only emotions in my vocabulary then were: empty, numb, irritable, drained and suffocated. Day in, day out.So believe me when I tell you I understand what you're going through: the stress, the mental & emotional drain and exhaustion that come with burnout, and the feeling that you’re not achieving your dreams despite all your hard efforts.UNTIL COACHING CHANGED MY LIFE THAT IS!And that is why I'm so passionate about using my psychology-based coaching skills as well as my life experience of getting burnt out over and over trying so hard to balance the different roles in my life.I want to help you not only see that it IS possible, but also find out HOW you can make it possible for YOU! So you can live that happier, more fulfilling life that you've been yearning for.What qualifies me to help you?
I have been trained and certified by Optimus Coach Academy which is
accredited by 3 leading global coaching organisations: the AC (Association for Coaching), the ICF (International Coaching Federation) and the EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council). Yep, that’s triple awards!Optimus integrates evidence-based psychological approaches into our coach training so that I can offer you a truly transformational coaching experience.So, if you're ready to commit to SMILING MORE book a discovery call with me and let's see if we're right fit for each other.p.s. I would love nothing more than to wave a magic wand and solve your problems for you (ahhh! How wonderful would that be eh?). Unfortunately, the world does not operate that way.What I CAN promise you though is that it WILL be WORTH IT! when you start feeling energised again and start getting back control of your life.
Zuhra Ahmed
Live Life to the Max

My Story
I'm a wife and a mother of two teenagers, one with complex needs.Because of the challenges and the responsibilities of being a wife, mum and a carer I found myself, time and time again, in a very dull and grey place. And even though I love grey as a colour, I didn't love being in that state. You know; that "meh" state? I knew that was not me, the real me.I'm the brightly-colourful, eternally-hopeful, I'll-keep-head-butting those life challenges until I win or I win kind of person. So, every time I got knocked down I'd get up, dust myself off and start the cycle again.The only thing that kept me sane and able to keep on getting back up was religion and staying connected to my Qur'an. So, I was on top of things, managing life pretty good, or so I thought.Until about just over 2 years ago when my daughter's seizures got really bad that I was barely sleeping through the night. She'd have anything from 50-100 seizures a month. Almost all of them at night!Soon, the impact of that on our sleep and our whole family's dynamics was so bad that my usual low-mood phase dragged on and on and ON turning into depression. I couldn't find joy in anything in life any more.Daily responsibilities were weighing heavily on my heart like a mountain that was snuffing the last bit of air out of my chest. For the first time in my life I experienced an "emptiness", that I never knew even existed. I found it so hard to control my emotions, and I'd burst into tears at 'inconvenient' times.I reached out, got some talking therapy which barely helped. While I was waiting for therapy though, I started coaching and that's when things started shifting.Coaching helped me see my self-limiting beliefs, made me realise how my actions were not aligned with my values and gave me that mental space to see and think clearly. To start prioritising my needs, following my intuition and aligning my actions with my values.I'm forever grateful for coaching because it got me out of that grey place and into the beautifully-colourful, sunshiny world that I had been yearning to find for a long time.This is why I'm passionate about coaching. I want you too to have this life transforming experience. To find joy in life again. To live life in full colour.Don't stay stuck in the miserable cycle you're in right now. Let me help you find your sunshine!
Work With Me
Delivered over Google meet or face to face if you're local.
Investment: £222
pay hereFor any questions regarding the package and to see if we're right fit for each other book a discovery call here.If you'd rather email, click the email icon at the bottom of the page.Check my FREE Facebook group here for tips and advice on how bring more joy to your life
90min clarity sesssion
Investment: £99Book here. Or drop me an email by clicking the email icon at the bottom of the page.
"Serene hearts" package
Designed for my Muslim sisters who are looking for Islamic-led coaching. I'll bring in Allah's names/attributes, where appropriate, to the coaching sessions.
Investment: £222
pay hereIt will be:
Individually tailored
Mix of coaching and teaching the relevant names.
It's heavily discounted as this is a beta package; I'm expecting testimonies and feedback in return. Once it's tested and tweaked the price will go up.For that reason, I'm taking a very limited number. Once I've reached that number the doors are closed! Make sure you've booked your spot before that happens!For more info, book your free call here.
Check my FREE Facebook group for Muslim sisters here
Client Transformations
I really appreciated your words of wisdom, insightful questions, and ability to draw on what had been shared previously in a very kind and compassionate manner. Thank-you for your time Zuhra"
بعد جلسة واحدة فقطلقيت نفسي تلقائيا قمت وعملت الصلاة بكل الأكشن. قعدت أدور على كل العوامل اللي تخليني أصلي: زبطت الساعة، صلحت البطارية، دخلت المواقع قعدت أشوف كيف تتعدل الساعة، لقيت نفسي في كل مكان قاعدة أحط ثوب الصلاة، السجادة جاهزة. بدأت أحس لأ، كل يوم لازم أغسله عشان أجهز عشان على طول أول بأول...لما أكون خارجة بالذات أفكر كيف حتكون الصلوات؟ يعني الحمدلله الحين قاعدة أرجع شوية شوية من غير ما أحس. مع إنه ماحسيت بعدما خلصت من الجلسة "أوه أنا بروح أعمل كدا كدا". لأ، حسيت تلقائيا نفسيا ومعنويا كله قاعد يمشي مع بعض ما أعرف ليش الفكرة
Checked in with my client 3 months after having done one session only. She wasn't sure my "style" of coaching would help her with her problem. Now she's converted!
"I wasn't convinced, I didn't want questions, I wanted answers. I realize now though that what I wanted, which was to get an answer right now, was wrong. That's just like a temporary anesthetic; it doesn't get to the root of the problem...
I've improved a lot since before coaching. I'm 90-95% better now. I've benefited so so so much. Thank you! I'm now excited to get coached on any problem that I face in the future."
"Salaams Zuhra,I am very fortunate to have come across you, at a time in my life when I was going through a lot of uncertainty, stress and bereavement all at the same time. Coming across you, the time honestly could not have been more perfect!. I am very grateful for what you, as a life coach have bought into my coaching sessions, so much reflection, thought, provoking questions and light bulb moments, all these experiences whilst in coaching sessions with you have made it possible for me to see my life in a more positive perspective.Since having life coaching sessions with you, life in general has become much more easier to accept, deal and see it more clearer, as you have a unique coaching style of bringing the obvious into the surface/ into the light (because I was too bogged down with so much of stress and adversity in a short space of time, that I could not think straight or clearer or even see the obvious points and could not make any sense of it all, as to what was happening in my life which kept me so bogged down). Your coaching techniques have helped me understand and see my situation, the adversities that have touched my life this year and just life in general - to never to take life and people around you for granted and to live in the moment with acceptance, gratefulness and grace.As my life coach you continue to use your coaching expertise in making me realise that there is always hope and light at the end of a long dark tunnel, and that there is always sunrise after sunset. Nearly all if not most of my coaching sessions with you, I have experienced a light bulb affect and many times I have come to a realisation point whilst being in coaching sessions with you, as to where I am and where I would like to be at in my life. Without a doubt my coaching sessions with you have been and continue to be truly a special journey, where I have grown and continue to grow emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Where my vision and focused on taking life on a “one day at a time basis” has become my focus point for the last few months, as losing a loved one has not been easy and all the other additional stuff that life has thrown at me this year.Thank you so very much for shinning your magical wand and light onto me with your professionalism and coaching expertise. At the end of every coaching session with you, I feel so lifted and full of energy, that I am ready to face life and whatever it throws at me. Zuhra, you’re an amazing life coach! Thank you once again 😊.Kind regards